Cornelia Jecklin
- Healing Love & Tao Tantric Practice for singles and couples
learning to nourish your whole being and be the guide of your energy.
- Egg Practice, Breastmassage for women
- in Teamwork with my partner, practice for men to turn orgsam inside and up the body, without ejaculation...and MORE
I am a Universal Healing Tao Teacher since 1986. I was one of the first in Zurich, Switzerland at the age of 20. Since then I have been practicing, teaching and integrating the numerous practices into energetic hands on healing work, and also for the work with musicians and TaKeTiNa Rhythm Teachers (Rhythm Process Work). In my 25 years of worldwide travel and teaching with my ex-husband Reinhard Flatischler.
Since 4 years I am divorces and back in Switzerland. In my nice room in the old town of Zurich I can offer you single sessions with different practices of the Universal Healing Tao System. Also connected to Sound and Rhythm Healing, which is just on other frequency of vibration like energy and light.
I also hold a certification in Systemic Work as a coach for individuals and teams.
I am also Co-Developer and Master Instructor of the TaKeTina Rhythm Process.
I am happy to serve you!